Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beware the "Diploma Mill" schools

As the education industry in Canada is being more and more prevalent in India, some of the so called institutes here in Canada are trying to take advantage of this and scam students. These schools also called "Diploma Mills" are not the best place to study nor will they help you in your future.

According to Wikipedia, “A diploma mill (also known as a degree mill) is an organization that awards academic degrees and diplomas with substandard or no academic study and without recognition by official educational accrediting bodies. The purchaser can then claim to hold an academic degree, and the organization is motivated by making a profit. These degrees are often awarded based on vaguely construed life experience. Some such organizations claim accreditation by non recognized/unapproved accrediting bodies set up for the purposes of providing a veneer of authenticity.”

Such institutes may help you get a diploma or degree faster but wouldn't be beneficial as you do not get any knowledge or know how of the industry. Though you may be able to fool an employer at first with a degree from a diploma mill, you will be caught sooner or later. Also these schools, usually don't have any accreditation or is sneaky in getting them.

EmployeeScreenIQ  is a well renowned company and a leader in global employment screening. They provide clients with information to make smart hiring decisions and have excellent background checks and substance abuse screening techniques. They recently came up with a list of schools in Canada and USA which are known to be following such practices.

The list of schools in Vancouver are:
University of Northern Washington – Hawaii; Washington, Vancouver, British
Vancouver University Worldwide – British Columbia
Lansbridge University – British Columbia, Canada
Manhattan University – Hawaii, British Columbia
Newton University – Hawaii; British Columbia, Canada
Royal Canadian Institute of Technology – British Columbia, Canada
Rutherford University – Wyoming, British Columbia, Swaziland
Senior University – British Columbia, Canada
St. Michael University – California, New York, Florida, District of Columbia, British
University of Northern Washington – Hawaii; Washington, Vancouver, British
Vancouver University Worldwide – British Columbia

For more schools on the list look up


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One World Agency Company Policies..

One World Agency is a much respected student agency among the schools that we work with. Also the students who used One World Agency to select schools are very happy with the services that was provided. We follow strict policies to ensure that we work to serve students better each time.

Agency School Selection
  •  One World Agency works with only schools offering a high quality of education to students. These schools include public and private colleges and universities, career schools, ESL schools and primary and secondary schools.
  •  All private career schools with which we work in British Columbia must be registered with the Private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA).
Tuition Payments

  •  Students should pay all registration, application and tuition fees for programs in which they have registered before coming to Canada. Some Schools will issue a Letter of Offer to students detailing the total amount payable to the school. Once this amount is paid the school will issue a Letter of Acceptance to the student.
  • All payments for tuition and other services must be paid in one of the following methods:
o International Wire Transfer
o Bank draft, money order, certified cheques drawn on a Canadian bank
o Email transfer
o Direct deposit into the One World Agency Account
  •  Students should notify One World Agency when a payment has been made
  • Students may pay their tuition directly to One World Agency for most of the schools with which we work. Some public schools require students to pay their tuition directly to the school. One World Agency will notify the student of payment requirements.
  • At no time will One World Agency charge a student any money in addition to what the school would charge the student if the student paid the school directly.
  • In the case that One World Agency collects a payment for a school from a student, we will pay all amounts owing to the school within five business days from receiving the cleared funds from the student.
Tuition Refunds
  • One World Agency will assist students in obtaining any available refund from their school should the student withdraw from the school.
  • If a language school in which One World Agency has placed a student closes while the student is attending the school, One World Agency will refund a pro-rated amount of the student’s tuition back to the student.
  • If a career school in which One World Agency has placed a student closes while the student is attending the school, One World Agency will work with the Private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA) to refund the student’s tuition or relocate the student to a similar program in another career school to complete the program at no additional charge.
  • If you ask for a refund of tuition already paid sure by now, make the payment of tuition fees on behalf of our customers.
  • A request for withdrawals from a school program must be made in writing.
  • The amount of money each school will refund is governed by each school’s Refund Policy.
  • Students who are unable to come to Canada because of a Study Visa refusal will receive a full refund less the school application or registration fee.
  • Some schools, including some public primary and secondary schools will not issue a refund after one month before the school year begins.
  • If a student requires modifications to any school refund policy.
Other Refunds

  • Students who are unable to come to Canada because of a Study Visa refusal will receive a refund of the following:
o Accommodation fees less the homestay placement fee,
o Pick-up/drop-off fees
o Medical payments

  • For Students in Canada, a full refund of accommodation fees will be given when cancelling with more than four (4) weeks’ notice.
Immigration Consulting

  • One World Agency charges no fees for any assistance given to students for assistance in completing Visa or Permit applications related to Citizenship and Immigration Canada
  • One World Agency utilizes the services of an independent Immigration Consultant licensed under the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) for all paid Immigration assistance.
  • Our independent Immigration Consultant will invoice students directly for services provided by the Immigration Consultant.
  • All refunds for payments to the Immigration Consultant are at the discretion of the Immigration Consultant.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Canadian Immigration Seminar!!

  We are holding a seminar on how to immigrate to Canada at our office here in Vancouver. It will be held on March 23rd 2012 between 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. It is conducted by Warren Brundage, the President of our company. He is very knowledgeable about immigration and knows the intricacies about how to immigrate to Canada. 
If you have questions on how to extend your stay in Canada or how to get work and stay for a longer time in Canada and what are the different ways you can do it, please do feel free to attend the seminar.
We also have Japanese, Korean and Hindi Speaking counselors, who could help you if you have difficulty in understanding English. This seminar is free of cost and if you have any questions regarding Canadian Immigration and intend to stay here longer do feel free to note your questions and come and ask those questions to us.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Working in Canada as an International Student

Citizenship and Immigration Canada allows International Students to work in Canada in limited situations. Students are required to arrive in Canada with sufficient money to live and pay their bills while studying. However, in some cases, a student may be able to work in Canada during the course of study:

  • On campus without a Work Permit;
  • Off Campus with a Work Permit after 6 months of classes in a public school or university;
  • In Co-op and Internship Programs, where work experience is part of the curriculum, with a Work Permit.
In addition, spouses/common-law partners of international students are eligible to work in Canada while their partners study.This is open only if you are studying in a public school or university.

Upon graduation, international students are encouraged to obtain Canadian work experience. The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program allows international graduates to obtain a three-year open work permit so that they can stay and contribute to the Canadian work force.

Doctoral programmes lead to faster PR's

The Canadian Immigration has made it easier for highly educated international students to become permanent residents. According to Federal skilled worker class now doctoral students can apply for permanent residency after completing their first two year of study. Or if they have already completed their doctoral program in Canada within the last year, then those students can apply too.

The Canadian government has restricted the number of applicants to 1000 international students a year.“Attracting and retaining immigrants with high levels of skill will help Canada compete in the knowledge-based world economy,” said Minister of State (Science and Technology) Gary Goodyear. “With this initiative, we are telling the innovators of tomorrow that Canada is ready to welcome them and their ideas.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trades and Career oriented programs are the best option for intended migration

Most students who migrate to Canada from India choose options like Management, Hospitality or other general programs where they feel they can make money fast. I would advise students to pick up career oriented programs as that's the way to get into the labor force faster and also to make better money. Unlike in India where jobs are classified as white collar and blue collar jobs and the money that you make is linked to the position you hold, here in Canada there is equality of work and most kind of jobs are well paid.

So it is always better to study about the economic environment of the place you plan to go and what kind of careers have a better opportunity of getting jobs faster. Here in Canada especally in BC, Alberta the industry where you have better opportunities are in the field of oil, mechanical and technical areas.

Trades like Aircraft maintenance, refrigeration, automotive technicians etc are in hot demand over here and with a Canadian diploma or degree in such a trade it makes life far more easier that being a manager in a Starbucks or McDonald's where though you are a manager your pay is much lesser than the trades mentioned above!!

So always make a decision based on current situation and not what maybe!!

Feel free to ask questions on this blog and we will answer in the best possible manner!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

One World Agency

I know I have spoken about ourselves and what we do already but so I am only updating you guys on what has been done in the last year. We were primarily focused on English classes for Japanese and Korean students. Then we came to know there was a lot of scams going on in the career schools too. We have been then helping students to get to better schools and change schools. We were low key on our business and depended on the students that we helped to get us more students. But we have come to realize that in such a manner we can help only a very few students. Now we are trying to market ourselves and get more students to come out of their shells and talk about their schools and getting to know more about the schools here.
We have moved to diverse markets like Japan, Korea, China, India, Brazil, Mexico and so on. Recently we also got a full fledged contract with BCIT one of the biggest and foremost schools in Vancouver. So we have full access to all their programs and services.

To know more please contact us on