Friday, February 10, 2012

BCIT- Where Theory meets Industry!

BCIT is one of the premier post secondary institutes in Canada. It has been in business since 1964 and has been at the top of the game ever since. They have more than 20000 full time and around 30000 part time students each year. They are known for providing industry ready graduates who are promptly hired by employers.
They focus on not just the academic part of the education but provide hands on experience for the students making them far more valuable than the university graduates in Canada.

Most of their programs are tailored in such a way that they get the best possible out of their education and they don't feel out of place when they enter the workforce. There are more than 350 programs to choose from over here. They provide certificate, diplomas, post diplomas, bachelors and applied masters to students. They have campuses in Burnaby, downtown Vancouver, Aerospace Technology campus in Richmond, Marine campus in North Vancouver and the Great Northern Way campus. 
The class sizes are usually 16-25 so that the students get better attention from the instructors. The instructors have years of industry expertise and professional designations. BCIT’s renowned applied education and training model is significant to the prosperity of the province of British Columbia and Canada. The institute has established itself as one of Canada’s leading educational institutions in business, technology and trades programs.

BCIT programs are developed in consultation with leading employers. Advisory committees provide direct input to curriculum development to ensure that you'll be at the forefront of the latest developments in your industry. BCIT instructors are active in their careers and bring years of practical expertise. They bring an insider's perspective of their industry–knowledge and experience that will benefit you in the classroom and after you graduate.
And that's only part of the journey. Once you're here, we offer many services and activities to help you succeed and get the most out of your experience.
There are a host of student services, recreation services, and clubs and organizations that make BCIT a vibrant community.So if you are looking for an international experience as well as value for your money this is the best place for you to start!

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