Thursday, November 3, 2011

An example of Educational Scams done by some agencies that students should be aware of

Some of the major scams done by some Indian agencies that we have come across and students back in India should really be aware of are:

Purposeful rejection of student visa

The very first step needed for getting a student visa is to pay upfront some amount of tuition fees to the college/university and get the conditional acceptance letter. This is the norm in many of the colleges/universities. This letter is an important document that is required to be submitted by the agent along with the student visa application. The scam we talk about occurs in conjunction with this. Some unscrupulous agents would ask the student to pay the amount needed to get the conditional acceptance letter. The student wires in the money to the college/university account. Then these agents purposefully prepare student visa applications in such a way that they get rejected for sure.
The next step by the agent is to inform the college/university, saying that the visa has been rejected for the particular student and the student is requesting for money. The agents are also clever enough to include their bank details, so that the money sent back by the college/university is received in their account. In most cases, such fraudulent agencies also never give out too much details of the student to the college/university, and usually the college/university would be given the address and contact number of the agent and not that of the student. This leaves the college/university no option to contact the student but only the agent.
In the mean time the student really approaches the agent and asks about the fees paid and the agent just washes off the hands saying that they never got the money from the college/university. They do this to many students and eventually one day they just disappear closing down their office, leaving the student in a hopeless situation.

This article is an example of one such scam:

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