Monday, November 14, 2011

Indian student from VanArts work on Puss In Boots!!!

Rohan Oka, a graduate from the Game Art & Design program at VanArts in 2009, has since been working for Dreamworks Animation, currently at their studio in Bangalore, India. Most recently, he had a career update working on the new animated feature now in theaters, Puss in Boots.
Rohan says, "My awesome team and I worked on a few sequences in the surfacing aspect of the film.  Here every little pixel of texture is scrutinized and tweaked over and over, which is the reason we get a good-looking polished output.  Personally, it was a great experience to work on something this grand, and even better being credited with my first feature film, Puss in Boots!"
Rohan also says, "The efforts put in by my instructors at VANARTS to mold us into complete artists paid off. In everything I do here now at Dreamworks Animation, I am always reminded and guided by the knowledge they gave us. Being a big fan of Shrek & Madagascar, working at Dreamworks is a treat... and I am enjoying every moment of it."

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